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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Waiting game

I have been denied by Aetna twice so far.  Both times they have denied my surgery in spite of the fact that the reasons they state are not in the revision policy at all.  However, in the interim I have gained even more weight--not trying to!--and now I meet the BMI requirement they cite.  Yay me. I'm not entirely sure they will not find another reason to deny surgery, but in theory this should be happening.

I feel a lot of sadness about this.  I feel a little betrayed that the lap band has not worked out the way it was billed to work.  I had wanted to avoid "drastic" measures in choosing this route, but it's kind of pointless if the least invasive option just doesn't work.  Or maybe it's me, and not the band at all, which makes me wonder if a revision to a sleeve will help.  What has to change for me to stop this cycle?

Obviously, my eating has to change.  Oh, if it were as simple as just knowing what one needs to do.  I am really astounded at how little I must eat to even maintain my weight, much less actually lose weight.  It is incredibly difficult to eat 1000 calories a day without some sort of help of some kind.  Especially when you still haven't learned a good enough stress management technique to replace emotional eating.  I've learned a lot of techniques, but none are quite as effective.  And I have more stress than ever now.

My next post should likely contain some sort of answer to the Aetna question.  As for all the other questions, I am still waiting for the answers.

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