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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Return to My Favorite Gym

I'm on semester break this week. It's nice to have this time away...we don't have much time off after this week. We're starting clinical orientation in the OR in a couple of weeks, and after that we start clinicals. The program rolls on...

So, this week I am in Portland again. It was very rainy yesterday and the day before, so instead of braving the rain I got a week pass to March Wellness, my gym of old. I could have gone to the Y for free, but I wanted to run with my own flat screen TV, and I decided it was a splurge that was worth it. I'll be here for a week, and I really wanted the peace and...well, I just missed my old gym. It's better than eating out a lot, or buying clothes like I often do when I'm in Oregon (no sales tax!). Today I think I'll go for a swim (in the saline pool, no chlorine!) before we go see my SIL in Eugene.

I'm back down to 174, woot! This scale in Portland usually weighs me about 0.5 lb higher than the one in Spokane, so I'm probably a little lower than that. My run at MW was really good--I haven't run on a treadmill since I started running outside last month, and I was able to go longer and faster than before. It was great. And, my heart rate didn't get as high as it usually does, so I think my fitness is, in fact, improving. I did my lower body weights as well. I must admit, I feel very good.

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