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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Strength and Hope: Mariane Pearl

I have had a Netflix copy of A Mighty Heart at home for weeks, perhaps even months. It is the story of the kidnapping and murder of Daniel Pearl, the journalist who was beheaded in Pakistan in 2002. I finally watched the movie last night, and it was deeply moving. The idea that Mariane Pearl could remain hopeful and loving throughout such an ordeal is unimaginable to most of us. She remains so to this day, and still writes. She is now raising her son Adam, with whom she was pregnant when her husband disappeared. Her writing is beautiful, and she appears to be one of those extraordinary people whose courage and strength are greatest at moments which would fell the best of us. I don't believe it is a coincidence that she is a devout Buddhist.

Here is an article she wrote in 2006 about the source of her strength, her mother, who died in 1999. As her husband did, Mariane writes a compelling story and illuminates its message of optimism perfectly. Enjoy.

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