Weight Loss

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Attack Plan: The Last 15

The current plateau stands at 1 month.

That's not a crisis, but I'm tired of it.

So, I decided, since my exercise is clearly adequate, that I'm eating the amount of calories it takes for me to maintain my current weight. I need to reduce the calories. My plan for this week will be to track what I eat for the next 3-4 days (on fitday), and plan my meals. Then I'll figure out where to cut down my calories.

Today's eating has felt out of control. I woke up with an irritated stomach that has been making me feel hungry all day. I think my evening pills stayed in my stomach pouch all night and irritated it. Ugh. I tracked what I've eaten today and came up with about 1800 calories--which is clearly too much if I'm trying to lose weight, but not as bad as I expected it to be for today. Usually, I think I'm probably around 1600--but I'll track to see. I'm going to bed soon, because I have to get up at 4:45 for IVs in the morning--so that's my calories for the day, I'm not eating any more.

I think I probably need my calories around 1200 to continue losing weight. Probably not as hard as it sounds to me right now--but I want to do it without getting another fill. So, plan of attack:

Losing the last 15:
1. Track eating on FitDay.com
2. Continue exercise program (running, weights, swimming)
3. Plan meals ahead, following band rules.
4. Figure out new calorie target
5. Bike to school a couple times a week
6. If I do all this and am not losing weight or am hungry, then consider a fill.

It's summertime, which means grilling and doing outdoor things, so this should be doable. It's just back to basics, which I've done many times. Tomorrow I am done with school by noon, so I should be able to get in my run and get some studying done without much trouble (although it's supposed to rain in the midday, so I may go in the evening). Oh yeah, I'm going to go easier on my mileage this week--probably about 14 miles--and work back up slowly.

I'm going to get to goal before the end of the year, I swear!

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